Friday, October 25, 2013

10 Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips: How to Have a Safe Halloween

It’s hard to believe that another Halloween is just around the corner. Although Halloween is a fun night for children and adults alike, it can also be a dangerous evening. Use the following 10 trick-or-treating safety tips to ensure that your Halloween fun remains safe:
      Halloween Jack-o-lanterns1.   Remind your children to stay on the sidewalks and to look both ways before crossing any streets. Given the excitement of Halloween, they may be more inclined to dart into the street unexpectedly.

2.      Keep your own pets indoors and remind children to be cautious of other people’s pets. Even the friendliest of pets can feel stressed on Halloween, so it’s best to keep your distance.

3.      Apply reflective tape to costumes and/or candy bags. Although most drivers are especially cautious on Halloween night, it’s best to be safe and use reflective tape to ensure that you and your children will be seen in the dark.

4.      Carry flashlights. From lawn decorations to other groups of trick-or-treaters, it’s wise to keep a flashlight or two handy to be able to see what lies ahead.

5.      Travel in groups. The larger the group, the better. Travel with friends and neighbors only on well-lit streets and to well-lit houses.

6.      Clear your property of lawn ornaments or other tripping hazards, and remind your children to be cautious walking on other people’s properties. Be sure any safety hazards, like a broken railing for instance, have been addressed before Halloween night. Remind children to use caution in case other homeowners have not taken these safety precautions.

7.      Look out for fire hazards. It’s best to use battery-operated lights whenever possible, but if you place a lit candle in your pumpkin, be sure it is kept at a safe distance from trick-or-treaters. Keep your distance from lit pumpkins on other people’s properties.

8.      Although it may seem like common sense, remind your children never to approach a car to accept candy from someone. The excitement of Halloween may cause kids to forget about the basic, everyday safety tips they have learned.

9.      Inspect all treats before allowing your kids to consume any. Check for choking hazards such as hard candy, peanuts, and gum, as well as suspicious treats like unwrapped candy or homemade baked goods.

10.  Leave an outside light on after hours. After trick-or-treating hours have ended, leave an outside light on to deter potential vandals from visiting your property.

Keeping these trick-or-treating safety tips in mind will help you and your loved ones have a fun, safe Halloween night. At Hunkins & Eaton, your safety is important to us. For additional safety tips and other valuable resources, please read our other blog posts, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

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